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No New Posts Rules - 2 Viewing

This is where you can find the rules. Make sure to read these before you post!

Sub-board: History of Vorel

by Kat
Jul 5, 2011 22:46:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Guide to DRoP!

Don't understand what Dragonriders of Pern? Interested? Come here and look up what you want to know!

3 4 Hitch-hiker's Guide to Pern--
by Kat
Jul 5, 2011 22:48:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Welcome || Goodbye

New to Vorelweyr? Come and introduce yourself! Or, if you're deciding that you need a break, post it here and let us know!

1 1 Hello and Welcome!
by Kat
Apr 21, 2011 19:30:44 GMT -5
No New Posts General Chat - 1 Viewing

Post whatever you want here! (Within reason, of course~)

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No New Posts Advertising - 1 Viewing

Place any (and all) Advertisements here.

37 39 The Wastes: Equinox Weyr
by Heeks
Feb 14, 2012 10:20:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Creativity - 1 Viewing

Bring out your creative side in here - stories, drawings, animations, whatever you want!

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::Character Database::

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No New Posts Character Creation - 1 Viewing

Post your Character Biographies here, and they'll be evaluated. Do this before you start RolePlaying~

Sub-board: Face Claims

2 2 FC LIST--
by Kat
Jul 5, 2011 22:53:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted Bio's - 1 Viewing

If your Character Bio has been Approved, it'll be posted here, and you can start RolePlaying!

1 1 Sr. Weyrwoman Bryn
by Kat
Apr 23, 2011 17:38:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Archive

Oh dear, you must not have Roleplayed your Character recently! Your Bio will be stored here if you haven't RPed with your Character for over three months. (Or if she or he is dead)

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::Vorel Weyr::

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No New Posts Great Hall - 1 Viewing

When you first enter the Weyr from the sandy shores of the Southern Continent, you can tell the walls have been hand-carved many turns ago. The cavernous entryway seems to go on forever, but as you walk a light spits from the Great Hall. A large room built into the cliffs by the beach, this place is used for feasts on many occasions. Long tables line the floor, completed by benches and the like. Regular meals can also take place here as well.

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No New Posts Kitchens

Set behind the Great Hall is the kitchen area, where drudges prepare the food for the day. The cooks also prepare meats for Hatchings here. If you're lucky, you might be able to sneak in some meatrolls before dinner time! ;3

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No New Posts Wherhandler's Cove - 2 Viewing

To the right of the Great Hall a tunnel leads to a darker, damp section of tunnels leading deep under the earth. Here one can find the wherhandler's quarters. They tend to like the dark, so remember to take a light if you traverse down there!

Sub-board: Wherling's Cavern

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No New Posts Vorel Bowl - 3 Viewing

To the left of the Great Hall lies another vast tunnel that seems to never end. But it does, right out to the weyr's bowl! The central area of the weyr, the bowl was dug out of the mountain by hand to give the weyr a central area to gather. The bowl is massive in size, and holds the Sands on which Hatchings occur. A lake is situated in the center of the bowl, used by herdbeasts and other animals bred for dragonkind. The sides of the bowl are separated into three layers; the Infirmary, the Upper Caverns, and the Personal Weyrs.

Sub-boards: Vorel Lake, Weyrling's Area, Sands, Infirmary, Upper Caverns, Personal Weyrs

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::Tonash Beach::

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No New Posts Docks - 1 Viewing

Before the entrance of the weyr lies a series of docking stations for large and small boats. Since the only way to travel to the weyr is by flight or by boat, the docks are very extensive and made from the finest materials. Some like to come to the docks to watch the waves, and some like to fish from the dock's edge.

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No New Posts Lookout Point

To the left of the docks, the beach rises with the cliffside for a stretch, creating a path up to a high point from the weyr. From this place one can see the surrounding sea and the treeline of the vast forest located behind the weyr. There's not much here, though, besides a pretty view of the sea.

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No New Posts Mitne Lighthouse - 1 Viewing

To the right of the docks is stationed a large lighthouse, which is run by a wherhandler and his beast. The light does not run every night, though; it only runs when visitors are expected. The tower is tall and built with white rock, so it can stand out from the scenery behind it. Candidates generally have chores around the lighthouse, such as cleaning or even sometimes lighting it up at night.

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::Caesin Forest::

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No New Posts Training Grounds - 1 Viewing

Behind the weyr, part of the forest has been cut to resemble a large field. This field has many uses, and is mainly for training new weyrlings and their dragons. Although Thread has not been a threat for a long time, dragonets are still taught out to fight and eat the brimstone needed to protect the weyr.

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::Open Skies::

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No New Posts Skies of Vorel

Ahh, the wide expanse of sky above the weyr! It's generally filled with all sorts of colorful dragons and firelizards. The most exciting thing to happen here, though, are the Flights!

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